The ultimate search for LLB, in short, L.L.B was established in the year 1989. It was a good music-year in sweden. Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson, known as Roxette, released their first album "Look sharp!" and LLB sang "Hitler is dead" with a grungy sound. At this point, nobody in the band knew much about music, in fact, they knew almost nothing at all... With an acoustic guitar, Martin took the first steps toward fame, "Powerchords". Anyway, the year 1990, I (Jonas Åstrand) was dragged into LLB by the other band members, my all-time best pals, Martin Svennberg and Andreas Mattsson.
At this time LLB used to jam down in the local railroad station called "Krösa fiket". At that location "Tomten" ("Santa Claus") was partly written and Diana took its shape. Many bottles of "Kir" was emptied here... Also the first recording by LLB (on a MC) was recorded here. It was an unplugged version of "Santa Claus". That was January 1991, if i remember it right, which i probarbly don´t. I remember that we played a game of billards, then as we got a little drunk, we decided to record our first song. Only LLB was there and the sound of the recording is poor, yet the song was great...
Then the band was shattered for a few years. Andreas Mattsson went to U.S.A for studies of Art while Martin and I studied in Jönköping. I graduated as a "Chef" and Martin became the computer genius that he still is. 1996 - 1998 the band started jamming again and we used to play in these parties. I remember that we never dared to play without alcoholic influence... Kir sold good in Jönköping this year. In the year 1999, Andreas wasn´t with us, but Martin and I finally decided to take this giant step... Digital recordings. At first, we recorded at Martins place, which of course wasgreat, with computers and other hi-tech everywhere. The recordings that was made there were "Hitler is dead", "Santa Claus", "Diana", "Knockin´ on heavens door", "Congrat-song" (A song for my parents) and "A changable woman"... LLB prospered. We saw one hit after the other take high places on our local "mp3.com"-list. A few weeks "Santa Claus" was number 1 on that list and "Diana" number 2. We we´re thrilled. But of course, we couldn´t enjoy it fully, missing Andreas in the band... But once again, time was on our side... As LLB performed at a party in the middle of nowhere, Andreas Mattsson returned to the band! The prodigal son had returned, that was in september -99. The year 2000 started great. A new version of "Santa Claus" has been recorded, and here we are... LLB, back in a flash, heading for the future with new, dazzling and beautiful songs... When and where will this amazing story end? Nobody knows, but the future will tell! We´ll keep on rockin´...
-Jonas Åstrand, the last af the three, the last of the L.L.B. |